Friday, September 27, 2013

What Is Sex?

I suppose asking what counts as sex may seem sillly. It may be a very simple, basic question, but it doesn't feel that way to me. For me, it can be a wonderful experience ... except when I panic.

I've been mulling over this question a lot since I had my medical exam after being accepted as a trainee maid. On the surface, there were some things that might be considered sexual, but they didn't really feel that way.

The breast exam felt ... nice. Okay, being touched in an intimate way like that was a little more than just nice. Still, it wasn't a grabby feely thing. I felt like someone really cared for me and wanted to make sure I was okay.

Then there was the ... umm ... probe. Under other circumstances, having someone trying to reach inside me like that would have sent me running, but the doctor and nurse made me feel incredibly safe and protected.

Even under those circumstances, I still started to feel a bit of panic growing when someone's fingers first slid inside. Instead of being told I was overreacting, I was comforted, the proceedure seemed to slow a bit, and my panic faded.

Overall, the experience turned out to be more wonderful than I would have ever imagined. But, was it sex? I'm still not sure.

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