Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Queen of AYA

After greeting Her Majesty, Queen Talin, ruler of AYA, I'd gone back to dancing. To say I was surprised when she said to approach her would be putting it mildly. My hands were shaking as I made my way through the crowd. Part of that was caused by worry about having done or said something wrong in my greeting, but most of it was simple awe.

I suppose some people might wonder how anyone could be awed by a bunch of pixels. The best explanation I can think of, is that there is some sort of palpable presence about her. This was someone who didn't need to give commands. Her word was more than law, it was what would happen, because she desired it to be so.

I remember her asking me some questions, and answering the best I knew how, but the specifics are a bit of a blur. By the time she had sent be back to dance, it felt like my heart was trying to knock a hole through my ribcage.

I was floating on a cloud of endorphins by the time I found a spot big enough to start a dance animation without bumping into anyone else. The colors of the lights in the dance area seemed more intense, and the music felt more alive than before.

Even after that body chemical rush mellowed and I was more myself again, I still was really enjoying the music and the company, and didn't want it to end. But, like all parties, it eventually did. Once the Queen announce she was leaving, a number of people wished her farewell, then either logged out there or headed off to some other destination.

I was just deciding it might be a good idea to head home myself when the Queen told me to come to her. I stopped at the bottom of the dais, then climbed up when she told me to come closer. Then she told me to kneel before her.

With the way my knees were shaking, it took a bit of will to avoid simply tumbling to the ground. I realize someone reading this might point out that I was most likely sitting at a computer, and they would be right. But, at that moment, the only think I knew was that I was shaking like a leaf while kneeling before royalty.

I really wish I knew all the details of what happened next. It seemed, somehow, the Queen had noticed me, and instructed me to put in an application to be a maid. While I had been toying with the idea earlier, I hadn't gotten up the nerve to do more than think about it.

I could hardly believe the honor she had bestowed on me. I was still kneeling when the audience with her was concluded. Once I realized she was gone, I couldn't remember if the Queen had given me permission to rise, and asked if it was okay.

Someone said it was okay, so I pulled myself to my feet. I was tingling all over, and I'm pretty sure the top of my head would have fallen off if smiled any more. People were congratulating me and telling me what an honor I had received.

At that moment, I felt like the luckiest boi anywhere.

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